Titan Media Новости

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New Design and $99/year Sale is Back! (Ends 1/2) Декабрь 30, 2011

Greetings Affiliates!

Big changes have been happening over at TitanMen.com this week!

We have rolled out a brand new website that incorporates nearly all of the requests and suggestions our customers and affiliates have requested over the past couple of years. It's a super-clean design featuring thousands of HD streaming videos, a robust and fully functional flash video player, mobile device compatibility, and by popular demand, we've brought back high quality downloadable still photographs of our models in action!

What does this mean for you?

Better conversions and increased retention!

And best of all, you don't have to change any of your NATS links. We've done all the work for you!

As a special bonus, we've brought back the $99 for a whole year price to offer to all your traffic. The sale is good through 1/2/2012.

Enjoy the new site!

Aaron Zolkin

Affiliate Manager

PS: Are you interested in reviewing our new site? Drop me a line and I can set you up with a temporary pass in exchange for your blog review (complete with your affiliate links of course).