TitanMen Most Nominated...
TitanMen to Take Chicago...
Double Exposure Starring...
Break a Sweat Featuring...
NEW! Break a Sweat:...
Legion Pt 2: The Best of...
Throwback Thursday...
Joe Gage’s Spur Of The...
Earn An Additional 20%...
Spur of the Moment: Layne...
Spur of the Moment: Dario...
Throwback Thursday...
Blue Collar Ballers:...
Blue Collar Ballers: Nick...
Flashback Friday Presents...
Titan Media Nouvelles
Cette page vous permet d'afficher des nouvelles créées dans NATS par le propriétaire du programme. Ces articles peuvent comprendre de nouveaux développements, des annonces, des informations remarquables pour votre compte d'affilié ou tout ce que le propriétaire du programme choisit. Utilisez la section Dernières Nouvelles sur le côté gauche pour sélectionner un élément des nouvelles à lire, l'article complet de nouvelles sera alors affiché sur la droite, ainsi que la date à laquelle elle a été postée dans le module Afficher Nouvelles .
Titan Media Nouvelles
Affiliate Referrals - March 22, 2013
Another way for you to make money, refer other affiliates to our program and get 5% commission on their earnings. Get your referral link by going to the Ad Tools -> Link Codes and selecting the... Continuer...
New releases: Grind and Pumped, Pissed and Pounded - March 22, 2013
Links to the latest scene tours for Grind and Pumped, Pissed and Pounded can be found in the Ad Tools Section.
Exit-Chat now means more money in your pocket. - May 30, 2012
We have partnered with Exit-Chat to give you another tool to increase your conversions and make more money.
Here is how it works: When a surfer you send leaves the join page after... Continuer... |
ManPlay DVDs on Sale - March 31, 2012
Hi all!
We're doing a "Final Clearance" of our Manplay DVDs for just $4.95 each! You'll find a banner graphic in the ad-tools section of NATS and there is a special store tour... Continuer... |
$69/6 Month Sale Extended - March 21, 2012
Good news!
We have decided to extend the current $69 for 6 Months sale for one week! This sale must end 3/28/12. You can also promote that we are offering a year... Continuer... |
The $69 Sale is BACK! - March 14, 2012
Wow - You guys really liked that $69 for 6 months sale we ran several weeks ago.
So we've brought it back for a limited time! This price point has great retention... Continuer... |
Incubus 2 Trailer Released - March 6, 2012
The teaser for the highly-anticipated Incubus 2: The Final Chapter has been added to the Hosted Video gallery for your use. Enjoy!
6 Months for $69 Sale Extended - February 16, 2012
Hi all -
By popular demand the 6 months for $69 sale has been extended through the President's Day Weekend. The sale ends on Tuesday Feb 21, 2012 so get your... Continuer... |
New Design and $99/year Sale is Back! (Ends 1/2) - December 30, 2011
Greetings Affiliates!Big changes have been happening over at TitanMen.com this week! We have rolled out a brand new website that incorporates... Continuer... |
Rebill issue RESOLVED - December 27, 2011
Just letting you know the rebilling issue has been resolved and you should now see all rebills from your sales posted as of this afternoon.
Thank you for your patience and continued... Continuer... |
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